I read the other day that backpackers tend to suffer from two afflictions more so than from anything else. The first is the inevitable traveller’s diarrhea (aka Delhi Belly, Rangoon Runs, Tokyo Trots, Montezuma’s Revenge, etc), for which we have enough ciprofloxacin, azithromycin and loperamide to plug a hole in the Hoover Dam. The second ailment seems so much more sinister to me, perhaps due to its being orthopedic in nature, or that it conjures images of spasming nerves and me lying prostrate in a city street, writhing in pain. A herniated disc!
All things considered, I’ve had enough sciatic nerve pain from my third trimester with Oliver to last me a lifetime, so I have resolved to make this simple for Ryan and I. We are traveling light. Throughout the next couple of posts, I will attempt to describe how we’ve settled/are settling on what will make the cut for our upcoming year on the road. First, the clothes!
Em’s Stuff
2 pairs butt-flattering convertible pants
1 pair Puma sweatpants
lightweight fleece jacket
6 pairs underwear
4 t-shirts (quick-dry/antimicrobial)
3 long sleeve quick-dry shirts
light-weight plaid shirt
GORE-TEX raincoat
5 pairs boxers (I begged him to buy antimicrobial, he would not listen, now we will all suffer)
Keen Arroyo shoes
4 t-shirts
No little black cocktail dress….missed opportunity in my mine. Can't wait to read more!!!